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CHAPTER 03 客 房 服 务 The Front Desk Service

Unit5 客房打扫 Tidy the Room 酒店每天都会进行常规的客房打扫,一般是早上进行,不过由于服务员数量的不同,有的酒店会持续到中午。服务员在打扫客房时,首先要询问客人现在是否方便接受打扫服务,如果顾客有要求,则根据顾客的时间来安排。 图片 常用词汇 Vocabulary


1. mess n.混乱 vt. 弄乱;弄脏


The room is in a mess, please tidy it up房间太乱了,麻烦收拾一下吧!


mess 可指实际的脏乱,也可以指生活的糊乱,比如“I've made such a mess on my life”,我把自己的生活弄得一团糟常用短语有“mess about/around”,胡闹;“mess something up”,把(事情)弄糟。


2. wash basin 洗脸盆;洗面池


I'll place some fresh towels in there, and clean the toilet bowl, wash basin and tub.



wash意为打扫、洗净,尤指用水、肥皂等。basin 意为盆、水坑、池塘,泛指水的容器。一般我们说的脸盆其实是“plastic wash-basin”,塑料脸盆而这里的 wash basin 多指洗面池。


3. convenient adj. 方便的


Would it be convenient if I return in half an hour?




“con”表示“共同”,合在-走”,起表示“全部能来,没有障碍的”。相关短语有“convenient store”,便利店:“convenience package”,简装。


情景实例 Scene Example Tidy the Room音频:

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服务员开始进行每天早上的客房打扫,由于该客人早上有冲凉的习惯,所以要将浴室都清理一遍,并根据客人的要求,以后都在9点后打扫。 Room Maid: Housekeeping, may l come in?


Guest: Come in, please. 客人:请进。

Room Maid: I'm sorry to disturb you, but may I clean the room now? 客房服务员:很抱歉打扰您,我现在可以清理房间吗?

Guest: Well, I'm a bit tied up at the moment. 客人:哦,我现在正忙着呢.

Room Maid: Shall I come back later sir? What time would you like us to come back? 客房服务员:先生,那我过会儿再来可以吗?您看我什么时候来合适呢?

Guest:An hour later, I just go down for my breakfast. 客人:一小时后吧,我正好下去吃早饭。

Room Maid:Sir, is it convenient to clean the room now? 客房服务员:先生,现在方便打扫房间吗?

Guest: Sure, by the way, I've just taken a bath, and it's quite a mess. Could you tidy up the bathroom first? 客人:当然,对了,我刚刚冲了凉,所以浴室有点乱,能不能先整理一下浴室呢?

Room Maid: Right away. I’ll clean the toilet bowl, wash basin and tub, then place some fresh towels in there. 客房服务员:我马上就打扫,把坐厕、洗面盆、浴缸一一清理于净,然后再放几条新毛巾。

Guest: Well. by the way, can you clean my room after 9 o'clock tomorrow? I usually wake up late. 客人:嗯,对了,以后能不能在9点以后来打扫我的房间,我一般醒得比较晚。

Room Maid: Ok, afterwards, we can do the housekeeping after 9 o 'clock. Please put out a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door if you need to rest in the room, and the housekeepers won’t knock on the door again. 客房服务员:好的,以后我们都可以在9点后进行客房打扫。如果您需要在房间内休息,请在门上挂上“请勿打扰”牌这样服务员就不会再敲门了。

Guest: Ok, I got it. 客人:好的,我知道了。




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